Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know.
Can I book an appointment at Luna Med Spa without having a consultation first?
Yes, consultations are not required to book an appointment at Luna Med Spa. However, if you choose to have a consultation, the $50 fee will be applied towards your future treatment.
What amenities does Luna Med Spa offer for clients?
Luna Med Spa provides several amenities for clients, including disabled access, free parking, and WiFi.
Does Luna Med Spa accept gratuity?
At Luna Med Spa we blend the comforts of a spa with top-notch medical treatments. While we always appreciate tips as a gesture of satisfaction, they are never expected. Our goal is simple: providing you with an exceptional experience.
How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment at Luna Med Spa, and are there any associated fees?
To cancel or reschedule your appointment at Luna Med Spa, please do so at least 48 hours before the beginning of your appointment. If you fail to cancel or reschedule within this timeframe, or if you do not show up for your appointment, you will be charged a $100 non-refundable fee.
Does Luna Med Spa accommodate clients with disabilities?
Yes, Luna Med Spa is equipped with disabled access to ensure that all clients can comfortably and safely enjoy their services.
Where can I find Luna Med Spa's contact information and location?
We are located at 19005 West Capitol Drive, Suite 130, Brookfield, WI 53045, or you can call us at (414) 448-7148.
What should I do if I am running late for my appointment at Luna Med Spa?
If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, it will be canceled, and you will be charged a $100 non-refundable fee. To avoid this, please arrive on time for your appointment.
Are gift cards available for purchase at Luna Med Spa?
Yes, Luna Med Spa offers gift cards that can be purchased for friends or loved ones. These gift cards make a thoughtful gift for special occasions or as a way to introduce someone to the benefits of their services.

Luna Gift Cards
Is there parking available at Luna Med Spa?
Yes, Luna Med Spa offers free parking for clients to ensure a convenient and hassle-free visit.
What is the Luna Med Spa VIP Membership program, and what benefits does it offer?
Luna Med Spa offers a VIP Membership program designed to provide exclusive benefits and savings to its members. By joining the program, members can enjoy discounts on various treatments, priority scheduling, and other perks. To learn more about the specific benefits and pricing of the VIP Membership.

Luna Med Spa VIP Membership
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please get in touch with our friendly team.